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Plot campaign and cooperative Far Cry 5. Montana notes

What: Closed Press Where: London, Great Britain

Pro Far Cry 5 We know, if not everything, then a lot: different gamer employees managed to play the game and E3 in Los Angeles, and Gamescom, and as part of the Moscow Immer (look for the relevant materials from the links). And everywhere Ubisoft showed, in fact, the same demo, only its different pieces.

And here is the next demonstration of the game, in London, – and again we were already familiar with the already familiar forests, fields and roads of the state of Montana, captured by the distraught followers of the Gate of Edeme sect. But this time we managed to make a couple of plot missions from beginning to end – including in the cooperative.

Not a truck, but your foot

As the developers themselves said, chronologically occurring around Bacchanalia, a couple of hours after the introductory credits unfolds. Our hero, who now needs to be created in a simple editor – we decided to play Far Cry for a girl – try to kill almost everyone except a few desperate fighters with a cult.

From the very beginning, we are given complete freedom of action: you can immediately rush to free the Holland Valley from the sectarians, or you can just go travel. The card is really gigantic, and when you look at the region, so far hidden by the "fog", you are completely melting in anticipation.

At the same time, there is no more seizure of towers: there is a lot to communicate with different characters and explore the world, including by their guns.

We take a chance to assume that many will miss the capture of the towers, which previously criticized in the game community. After all, it was really easier – climbed onto the tower, and the whole territory is in the palm of my hand. Now this is not.

Mary May Fairgrave, the mistress of the Bar “Wings of Love”, is one of them. She believes that the sect can be defeated by tearing their operations and destroying the economy. And the first task that she gives us is to return the “widowed”, her father’s stolen tractor.

After the completion of the racing and cargo mission on the tractor, it will be possible to ride further. And most importantly – to tunen it in the nearest carutter.

The mission is clear, we are moving to the place. Having shot a dozen bearded natives and a little more intractable flamethrower, we find from one keys to the granary-our truck is parked there. We jump behind the wheel, and the classic chase on the prepared route begins. It would seem that we have a huge seamless world before us – but they ask to go strictly "on the rails": so that pickups with bandits would be more convenient to jump out in front of the truck on the road and after a moment explodes effectively. It is worth showing the initiative and moving out with the paths spurred by the developers, as the mission will be considered a failed. Although it would be curious to be able to hide the car in the forest and wait until the “search” falls. Then she, of course, will appear again, because in the valley every hundred meters of the road – an enemy checkpoint.

There are an attack on the bases of religious fanatics as side quests. Each liberated zone increases resistance forces.

But machine guns are installed on the wings of the truck, thanks to which driving is permanent and even reckless. We are raising at full speed of fencing from old skewers, firing ATVs with bandits and finishing all from a pistol through the windshield. When it turns out to make an accurate shot in the head of a bandit sitting in a SUV rushing at full speed (and if also on a turn!), you feel like a kind of terminator – fun in earnest, and droplets flow down the forehead.

As for the driving itself, do not expect credibility here (however, as always in the series): in this regard, we are again in front of us with a thoroughbred arcade. A multi -ton truck is endowed with small -leafing habits – surprisingly fast and implausible maneuverable. The exact opposite, say, a truck from the first Mafia , on which we left the chase from a multi -tiered parking lot, pushing it with the power of our own gaze and prayers.

When agricultural machinery is used for other purposes.

Well Done

Having wound a mile to the odometer and corpses on the wheels, we go for redeeming – closer to the church. However, even here is not thank God: instead of reassurance, you have to take up the weapon again. This time – in the cooperative. By the way, the fifth far Cry you can steam with a friend from entry to the final credits (with some restrictions, but still), and not just side missions, as in Far Cry 4.

All the progress achieved in a joint game, including experiences and weapons found, is transferred to a single game.

Our joint gaming session was the task of protecting the sarcophages of the late heroes of the United States (fictional, of course), buried near the church, from the encroachments of the vandals. The fact that with a single passage it was quite difficult to do, since the enemies run in waves from all sides, in cooperative mode it was not difficult: one of us controlled the approaches from the side of the road, and the other from the forest. And only the sounds of shots of sniper rifles stood in the ears. True, sometimes especially daring had to be finished with a bat on the roof ..

Further – more. The assault on the cattle yard turned into a real circus, where instead of lions and monkeys – cows with pigs. I literally had to run after Borov, trying to shoot him. And the final of the show is the furious blazing cows, which someone fell from the flamethrower ..

It was scary. And it was terribly funny! Why all this chapito, we will not tell you, so as not to ruin you the pleasure of passing.

However, there is a clouding factor. A little more than two months before the release, but at this stage the authors have not yet defeated numerous bugs – which they themselves are honestly admitted. And if you will not surprise anyone sticking through the textures of the limbs of the murdered enemies, then the problems with connecting to the cooperative are much more serious. So, we did not immediately manage to start a joint game, because the author of these lines was invisible for a time for a partner who literally stands for his nose. Until I jumped on the spot.

I would like to believe that the game will still have time to polish properly. The world here is huge, great and task.

A friend of hire

Another mastered mission is flying. Look about her in detail on our YouTube channel, where we talked about the available air park and the management of this technique. Now it is important differently – your partner in battles with sectarians can become not only a real person, but also hired NPC. Various characters will have their own unique abilities. So, a sniper girl is ideal for those who like to eliminate goals at a distance. And if the blood boils and the soul requires bloody chaos and destruction, the owner of a small aircraft can become an assistant. Air attacks – its horse.

To the main villain, Joseph Sid, we did not reach demo version, so it will not work to evaluate it with charisma. It is no secret that the villains were the soul of the last parts of Far Cry – charismatic and attractive bastards.

In the end, a brother in arms may be a hostage, which you have just freed from the authorities of some kind of obvious. You just have to ask and give civilian weapons. You can also use dogs for your selfish purposes – they have already talked about the dog Boomer. A person’s best friend knows how to celebrate enemies, and when necessary – and with their teeth to cling to them.

Weapons are cast: from coloring to functional improvements.

Even more screenshots from Far Cry 5

Even more video and trailers on Far Cry 5

At this stage, Far Cry 5 seems to us a great game for one and magnificent – for two. The main thing is that the developers clean the errors from the code (apparently they are doing this, it was not without reason that they announced the transfer of the release for a month), and we waited! We pack the suitcases for traveling to Montana.

The game will be released on March 27, 2018.

Pensioners, sea jokes and three glasses. 10 facts about the Russian Navy

Today, military sailors celebrate their professional holiday. But we, being land journalists, will not stay away. Raising a cloud of archival dust, we looked for a few entertaining facts on this occasion – as a tribute to the former and existing naval officers and sailors.

Did not serve on ships? It doesn’t matter! Likbez is not superfluous. Get comfortable, make a triangle from a pillow, turn on World of WarsHips, "Korsarov" And everything that is somehow connected with the fleet!

1. "Standard"

The first ship of the Baltic Fleet was the three -masted frigate "Standard", which was laid in 1703. He actively participated in the Northern War and in many distant campaigns, and in 1719 Peter the Great ordered him to be preserved as the first frigate of the Baltic Fleet and towed to the parking lot in the crown -inverted shock. However, without proper care and attention, the ships standing there fell into decay. Standard was no exception. When in 1727, by order of Catherine the First, they tried to pull it ashore for restoration, the dilapidated frigate corps simply cut into pieces.

In 1999, the twin of the "Standart", recreated at the Petrovsky Admiralty shipyard, was launched into the water. It belongs to the non -profit organization "Standard Project", and his team consists of volunteers. And he is already almost ten years old … cannot return home.

The fact is that the standards of shipbuilding Petrovsky Russia are very far from modern, and according to current legislation, the ship cannot be used. At the end of the last decade, he was refused registration by almost all possible official authorities, and then he was generally expelled from St. Petersburg in tow. Now the frigate feels great in Europe, where individual criteria are applied to historical courts. He participates in festivals and regattas, starred in films, but cannot return to Russia. And when this story ends is unknown.

The modern twin of the frigate was built at the funds of caring citizens

2. Your name

As a rule, ships in the Russian fleet, as in any other, were called some majestic names. For example, in honor of famous people, saints or heroes of myths: “Peter the Great”, “Kruzenshtern”, “Samson” and the same cruiser Aurora. A ship named after the city is also a common thing: say, the battleship Petropavlovsk or the cruiser Moscow.

But there was a place in the Russian fleet and for fairly original names. From travels in Holland and England, Peter the Great brought with him the book "Devices and Emblems" published in Amsterdam. The emblems taken from there with their motto began to be cut out on the feed of the ships of the Azov fleet along with other types of decorative images. At first – beauty for. A little later, the motto accompanied by the emblems attached to the identification of these ships as names. However, this was inconvenient: they were written in a foreign language, they often had an allegorical meaning and were difficult to remember. Therefore, over time, the ships began to be called simply by image on the emblem. If it was complicated, then according to his central figure.

Sometimes the message of the names was quite serious, and sometimes a comic. So, in 1699, the fleet included the “Stone” battleships – because “without fear with its health with its health”, and “three glasses”, whose motto was: “Keep in all matters a measure”. In the same period, the “Filted Iron” vessels appeared with the motto “should be done while there is time” (what this proverb was transformed into, it is easy to guess) and “sleeping lion”, because “his heart is watching”.

Numerous on -board guns do not have to touch this ship

3. Judgment Day

The arms race made an absolute weapon from the underwater fleet. Atomic reactors gave submarines an unlimited range, in addition, increasing their power and speed. Air and fresh water ceased to be a problem. Missile strikes could now be applied for hundreds of kilometers, and in the explosive force of ammunition, one submarine plugged all the armament of the Second World War for the belt.

In 1962, the Caribbean crisis almost turned into nuclear apocalypse. Stressed negotiations between the USSR and the USA on the placement of nuclear missiles lasted a week. And all this time the sailors of both sides literally kept their fingers above the red buttons. The professionalism of the military played a significant role in the peaceful resolution of the conflict.

Off the coast of the solar cube almost began the third world

4. Wise elder

The maximum service life of a large warship in the Navy of the Russian Federation is considered twenty -five years. But there are exceptions here. The oldest ship of the Russian fleet began service in 1915 on the Baltic Sea. The original name "Volkhov" soon changed to "commune". This is an auxiliary vessel, a submarine rescuer, the purpose of which is to raise submarines.

Today the veteran is still on a combat post as part of the Black Sea Fleet. This is the oldest active warship in the world. Only two vessels of the XVIII century older than him: the American USS Constitution and the British HMS Victory. The first is even afloat – excursions are taken along it. The second was solemnly written off almost a hundred years ago and has since been on an eternal joke in Portsmut, where the ship was also turned into a museum.

"Commune". The second century in the ranks!

5. Man and the steamer

The heavy aircraft carrier “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov” is the largest warship of the Russian Federation. With a length of 306 meters, its displacement is about 60 thousand tons. Powerful missile weapons and more than fifty units of air equipment on board allow it to perform a variety of tasks.

Interesting detail: Admiral Kuznetsov is the only aircraft carrier, which is not forbidden by the Montreo International Convention to stay in the Black Sea. Other aircraft carriers, regardless of state affiliation, cannot be crossed by Bosphorus and Dardanella, as this violates the sovereignty of Turkey. “Admiral Kuznetsov” is not considered an aircraft carrier (because he carries not only equipment on board, but also missile weapons), does not encroach on sovereignty, and Montreo does not fall under the Convention.

"Admiral of the fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov" – a large and (conditionally) good giant

6. Why "s"?

In the navy, as in other harsh professional areas, not without humor. For example, the abbreviations of all Soviet fleets (except the Caspian Flotilla) sailors deciphered in their own way. Northern Fleet (SF) means "superflot". Pacific Fleet (TOF) – "also fleet". By the Black Sea Fleet (Black Sea Fleet) is meant “Chi Fleet, Chi NOT FLOT”, it is not difficult to translate from Ukrainian. And the Baltic Fleet (BF) means the "former fleet". These "decoding" made up some unknown witches back in the days of the USSR, and they quite accurately reflected the state of affairs.

"Superflot" on the exercises "Northern Eagle – 2012"

Without a good joke on the ship it is very hard

7. Almighty thunderer

The Russian Navy (as well as the fleets of the United States and India) adapted the core of our planet for the needs. The Soviet transmitter "Zeus", located on the Kola Peninsula, uses the earth's crust as a kind of antenna to communicate with submarines in an immersed state. Communication of submarine with the mainland is subjected to strong distortion, so conventional means of communication do not always cope with the task. Data transmission through the earth's nucleus has low efficiency, but the signals reach anywhere in the planet. Broadcasting from Zeus was once spotted even at the god of a forgotten scientific station in Antarctica! But more recently, such a technology was considered pure science fiction.

Submarines are often outside the zone of communication

8. I give up, give up!

The sea has its own rules and its own laws. For example, a raised white flag does not mean surrender, but a readiness for negotiations. According to the current Convention, from that moment on such a ship it is forbidden to fire before the end of negotiations.The surrender ship lowers all the flags. The main thing here is not to confuse.

White flag in the fleet means temporary truce

9. Ceremonial blade

In the fleets of the whole world, traditions are strong, and the Russian Navy is no exception. Modern military sailors still wear daggers – thin straight daggers. They appeared in the 16th century and became widespread as an instrument of boarding combat. The sea cortles of the royal fleet with an ivory and jewelry were distinguished by special beauty and grace – this sample can cost up to 100 thousand dollars. But today's dagger is primarily a reward and a ceremonial attribute. Although the sailors take it with them to the duty and watchman.

Officer dagger of the beginning of the last century

10. How it all started

The history of the Navy Day originates in 1939. The holiday was established at the suggestion of the Commander -in -Chief of the Navy Nikolai Kuznetsov, but he did not show the initiative for the sake of fun: Kuznetsov hoped to attract attention to the fleet and increase the prestige of the service in the Navy.

Only on this day, curious civilians have a chance to get aboard the current warship: in honor of the celebration, many military vessels spend open -door days. By tradition, there is a parade of sailors, presenting awards and military ranks. And under the curtain – salute.

But if you are forced to skip the parade of sailors and you will not see a festive salute, you can celebrate the Navy Day in the spirit of a real gamer, running a suitable game. Today, perhaps, the most right choice would be World of WarsHips: It is not a shame to show her neither Konopatamom Yunga nor the Sedoma Admiral.

Do not forget to congratulate acquaintances on the seas and oceans on the holiday!

The story of the Mafia series. Reflections on the beautiful

In 2002, Czechs from Illusion SoftWorks , Before that, glorified by tactical action Hidden & Dangerous, released Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven – The game, which many to this day call one of the main masterpieces of the industry. And now, after 18 years, the new developers who inherited the rights to the series announced the remake of the first Mafia. In honor of this event, we decided to shake the antiquity and remember how the franchise developed and why it is still remembered with warmth.

Retro FM

Modern user nourished by services and blockbusters, most likely, will not understand the first Mafia. Neither mind nor heart. Just as the public did not understand her in the 2000s, even before the release. Arcade fascination of the nearest competitor, breakthrough GTA III, set a new entertainment format. The city open for research, dozens of types of cars and cops, from which I still want to get off, starting a random shootout on the street – all this seems to be in Mafia, but in fact there is no. Pokatushki and police were burdened by clumsy old cars. The shootings were unusually difficult: if in GTA it is possible to kill a whole police station without much difficulty, then in Mafia even one suddenly jumped up the enemy with a shotgun could lay a hero from a pair of shots.

In addition, you can arrange at least some lawlessness only in the “free game” mode, outside the plot campaign. But to do it in a lust-Haven, let's say nothing. You can deliver people by taxis, kill mafiosi, buy new weapons, paint the car … and, in general, that's it. After Liberty City, the local sandbox looked plain.

But once we could only dream of such a graphics

But even those who honestly walked around the plot did not immediately find "fun". The first couple of hours the game tells the melancholy story of the taxi driver Thomas Angelo, who helped two bandits to get away from the persecution. Moreover, the formation of a novice criminal is saturated with domestic, not too fascinating tasks. After that tense chase in the beginning, we returned to the everyday life of an ordinary taxi driver: that is, we transported passengers, observing all the rules of the road – no stroke of pedestrians and driving on the red light! Only later, already becoming a member of the mafia family, it was possible to do gangster affairs. Throw a couple of cars, throw the accomplices to dots, collect profit from local business … In short, everyone who was waiting for the crazy dynamics of GTA III could experience a burning disappointment and turn off the game. At first glance, besides the setting, she has nothing to offer at all.

An offer that cannot be abandoned

But this was the whole of Mafia salt: she allowed to plunge into that routine that pursued Tommy in his usual life. Initially, the game was generally conceived as a kind of clone of wildly popular at that time Driver , Only in the surroundings of gangster films. But the game designer Daniel Vavra, who came to the studio at the final stage of the development of Hidden & Dangerous, shifted the emphasis from entertainment to authenticity and plot. And did not lose. The script is slow, with knowledge of the matter, he spun the story about the everyday life of the gangster, which begins with a pawn, and ends with Fersem, which everyone dreams of removing from the board. The closer he got to his goal, the stronger the players attached to him. The drama here not just created a background for gameplay – it was its integral part.

As a rule, the action is remembered due to the cool gameplay sections. Here is a pursuit by car, here is a difficult defense of heights or a tense assault on the fortress … Mafia was remembered by completely different things. No, this is not about a mercilessly complex "racing" mission, because of which many people abandoned the game at one time. I'm talking about dozens of small stories. I still remember how simple a matter of collecting Dani turned out to be a shootout in a suburban motel. Or the moment when Tommy ran away from the gateway from two armed thugs. Or the robbery of the port, where in the cigar boxes there were not cigars at all ..

For its time, Mafia also had absolutely chic videos on the engine – none of the competitors, including GTA, had nothing similar and at all

All these situations are firmly crashed into memory, but at the same time they still remained rather mundane and life. Like the world of the game itself: empty, but incredibly beautiful and, most importantly, logical. In Lost Haven, cars consume gasoline and do not fly apart after a pair of bullets. By turning into a nook shequake, you can encounter a forehead with a passers -by. The car that hangs on your tail can be shot yourself, but it can also accidentally knock it down by a car passing by … Mafia constructed a damn believable story that seized it precisely because it was easy to imagine in reality. Unlike Rockstar's offspring, where you could hide a tank and ride it around the city.

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Plastic gangsters

The second part of the series reached the players only after eight long years of development. Illusion SoftWorks studio was not sitting idle. The team managed to release the sequel Hidden & Dangerous and fresh shooter VietCong, as well as porten the first Mafia on the console and become a branch of the corporation 2K.

The Czechs were already developing the sequel to their main hit with a landmark on the AAA-segment of the market. The audience took the first screenshots and rollers extremely positively: a recognizable atmosphere, cozy veugi machines and beautiful landscapes of the city, similar to New York of the 40s. True, against the background of all this, many red flags were visible. Daniel Vaurus left the team because of the disagreements with the authorities, and then its founder Peter the Watch left the company. From the final version of the project, quite a lot of content was cut out (for example, four ending options and rural areas outside the city).

When Mafia II still came out, these perturbations were felt at every step. The plot (again a young guy who, due to circumstances, fell into criminal circles) was torn and was not presented as a full -fledged story, but rather as a set of sketches connected by characters and a place of action. The idea itself was grandiose: history Mafia 2 covered for eight years – the player threw a player in the maids of the Second World War, and in prison, and even to meet some heroes of the first part.

But the scale was not felt. Not so much because of the chopped narrative (the first Mafia also had difficulties with this), but because of completely inexpressive characters. This was especially true for the protagonist. Vito Skallett seemed to show the world an advanced front animation, but for some reason he reacted to most events with a stone face; Unless grin and light anger sometimes slipped. It's a shame. The beginning of the game, where the hero returns home from the front, was just exemplary: as if you were watching a good gangster cinema, shot by Brian Depalma or Martin Scorsese. But, alas, further from simple, human conversations remain only dry, functional dialogues in the spirit of “go-go-prize-ubes”.

In the second part of the rollers between the missions became even longer and more saturated in terms of directing. It’s only a pity that because of the inexpressive characters, watching them was very boring

Mafia service terminator

From a commercial point of view, Mafia II was successful, even despite the problems with the plot, but she lost the charm of her predecessor. That realism, high rates, intensity of drama. Remember at least the same scene where Tommy runs away from the bandits in the gateway – and almost any other mission. Each cartridge on the account, a reserve of health melts before our eyes, there are a lot of enemies, and look, the police will come … The second part followed the last squeaks of fashion, because the gameplay was more reminiscent of a militant with shelters a la GEARS of WAR. With a camera from behind the shoulder, the shootout became much more convenient, which seems to be good-but the excess of cartridges made battles too simple.

All this, coupled with the regeneration of health, turned the game into a shooting gallery: leaned out of shelter, shot, healed, leaned out again. Do not understand me wrong, sin to complain about the combat system. Shooting at Mafia II turned out to be what is needed, and the partial destruction of the environment made every shootout impressive. But this is the whole problem. From " Godfather »The game was transformed into the variation of the film" Gangster hunters ".

This outraged the fans of the first part – but, of course, pleased those who were not familiar with her. Is it worth blaming developers for "providing" their masterpiece? It is unlikely. Still, in ten years the industry has changed dramatically. It was naive to expect that with a staff of several hundred employees and orientation on the AAA-market, the studio will again give out something in the spirit of The City of Lost Heaven. Nevertheless, the game found its audience: not everyone remained unhappy. On the contrary, many with pleasure passed Mafia II in one sitting … and forgot about it the next day.

However, the episode with the execution of the diner is still difficult to forget – it is really good

Gangsta sh*t

The third part 2k Czech approached not without losses. One of the offices had to be closed, the development was almost entirely transferred to the new studio Hangar 13 , And Daniel Vavra created his own Warhorse Studios And he took up Kingdom Come: Deliverance. There was almost no one left from the old skeleton.

Against this background, the authors decided to sharply change the course and aesthetics of the game. A minimum of wide-brimmed hats, no jazz, instead of New York-New Orleans, and the main character was the dark-skinned veteran of Vietnam Lincoln Clay. The audience, to put it mildly, did not appreciate. And when it turned out that the protagonist of the second part of Vito Skallett would serve the main character … In general, the “excessive” tolerance caused a rather big scandal.

In such a situation, Hangar 13 was important to polish the game to a brilliance in order to somehow smooth out the negative. But, alas, revenue build Mafia III It turned out just disgusting. Both in terms of optimization and in terms of bugs. Cars and characters stuck in buildings, some textures seemed to come from the beginning of the 2000s, the physical model forced enemies to dance the jig after death. And how often the game flew to the desktop, uf.

Gallery of Mafia III bugs from the Crowbcat channel

What is madness

Because of these problems, it was even more difficult for players to accept a new gameplay loop. In Mafia III, we should have, no less, to take the whole city to our hands in order to take revenge on the mafiosi, who destroyed all the close people of the protagonist. How to do it? Like in any other sandbox that came out somewhere after Far Cry 3 , – methodically clean every area from villains. The scheme is the same everywhere: come to the point, ask the informant. Find the accomplice of the chapter, kill the accomplice of the chapter. Repeat to the credits.

It's funny different: the first part began to be sadly, but it became more and more diverse with the development of the plot. The third, like the second, offered an incredibly spectacular tie, only in order to then dump a lot of boring tasks on the player, worthy of a boy on a lot of a big criminal boss.

Nevertheless, Mafia III had its own virtues, one of which was, oddly enough, the plot. Firstly, he has a good presentation-the story was told through the “interview” with key characters who set out their eyes on the events and actions of the hero. Secondly, to the honor of the scriptwriters, the main character is registered better than it seems at first glance. Lincoln glue is really a muzzle, but it has principles. It can be polite and aggressive. In the end, he has a worthy motivation.

Thirdly, secondary characters were a successful. Some even deserve a separate storyline – for example, a cunning Haitian Cassandra. Well -written dialogs and competent setting of videos strongly brings the game to the movie. So much so that many players suffered a monotonous gameplay only for the next round of the plot. After all, between the string of dull shooting houses, the plot missions were really cool, in which there were everything: the intensity of emotions, and directing, and spectacular battles.

It is a pity that this did not save Mafia III from crushing criticism.

The final part of the famous series left the players in bewilderment: what's next? Return to realism? Continuation of "Opuling"? Online? Or beautiful care to sunset? What do you think about the future series? Write your opinions in the comments!

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Command & Conquer


Command & Conquer of a new generation


Los Angeles, USA

The news that the Command & series adored by millions Conquer goes into a “poorly smelling” zone of Free-to-Play, excited the fan community as not a single earthquake could. The fact is that Westwood strategies, and then EA Los Angeles were always famous for by no means a multipleor, but a slightly strange, but invariably charming plot regime, in which – this is an unprecedented rarity for the industry – the story was told with the help of videos with real actors.

The old C& C fans were already upset in which the series is developing. Tiberian Twilight fundamentally changed the essence of C& C, turning the classical strategy about the competent detection of the base and a fierce tank-rash into a hectic output with control points and pumping. Given that it was Westwood, having released Dune 2 in 1992, which predetermined the development of the genre for decades to come, the situation was contradictory.

Therefore, when Electronic Arts invited us to the sunny Los Angeles to play the early alpha version of Command & Conquer, we were quite skeptical. As it turned out, in vain.

Return to the roots

At the beginning of the presentation, John Van Kanegem, a real legend of the gaming industry and the head of the newly formed, was released on the impromptu scene Victory Games (Do not be alarmed, veterans are working there, but we will talk about this). For those who do not know: it was John who at one time founded the illustrious studio New World Computing , created with his direct participation Might and Magic And Heroes of Might and Magic. TV shows that, like Command & Conquer, made an invaluable contribution to the development of our favorite industry.

The fractions are so unique in appearance that even in the same color are easily distinguishable.

Van Kanegem admitted that the fans literally filled the studio with letters, begging to return to the old concept. Therefore, before starting to develop a round table in Los Angeles, the most important community people were invited (Cypher, FreeZy, Zeehypnotis, Zephyr and others.), and all together tried to formulate what they want from the new C & C. EA employees listened carefully to everyone, consulted and made the most important decision – to return the series to the roots. That is, mobile bases (crowles), pumping and other nonsense from Tiberian Twilight now in the past. The new game is, in fact, the good old commander & Conquer, only with fantastic graphics, comfortable voice chat and achievement system. Oh yes, and you don't have to pay for it.

[[Bullet]] screenshot, of course, staging, but something like this looks like. Pay attention to the dilapidated mosque.

"Command & Conquer is 17 years of history, 17 games and millions of fans around the world. And right now we are preparing a C& C new generation. As you probably already know, this is the RTS AAA-Ural on the FrostBite 2 engine, which is based on a convention-free model ”. John separately emphasizes that a few years ago they would release the game in the box, as expected, but the current realities of the PC market make you move towards online and social integration.

“First Milky Wins Casino of all, we want you to have fun playing the new Command & Conquer. We are working to ensure that every fan of the series, every genre lover enjoys this game. ". In the meantime, a screensaver with three men appears on the screen, whose face hides a shadow. If you look closely, you can recognize familiar images: the Asian-Communist is clearly the right (the patch with the Red Star says eloquently), the American seems to be on the left (it takes wide cheekbones), but in the center-Arab (arafatka, curly black hair and sharp chin). Remaged American journalists behind us at that moment nod approvingly.

EU European Union

Here we must explain why Generals 2 disappeared from the subtitle. The fact is that at first EA was planned to simply make the sequel of the 2003 strategies, but then their ambitions increased markedly – it was decided to create one big game that combined all the branches of Command & Conquer. A kind of solar system with its center of attraction, around which C & C-planes will rotate. If at the time of the release we can only fight in the Generals universe, then for several years Victory Games plan to add and Red Alert , and other continuums.

“The most beautiful in such an approach is that we can constantly change our game,” the developers say. They came up with their own term for this process – Live Service. First, Victory Games add new content to the game (map, mode or something else), then they study the reviews of the players and view the statistics (how popular the new unit is, how often players use this or that route on the map, etc.D.), analyze the information received and, finally, adapt the innovation in such a way that it satisfies the preferences of the majority. Or simply throw it out. “It used to be like that,” Brian Farina, producer C & C, tells us. – You release the game, listen to the reviews of the players. Then after a year you make an addon, and it turns out that nobody liked the changes. But you are no longer able to fix anything! Now everything is different. And it's great ".

Social network

Lists of friends, private chats, news feeds, multi -accense, achievements, statuses, rating tables, video replacements, clans – all that can be expected from the word Social in 2013, the game will be in the game. Maybe not at the stage of open beta, but there will be. Peer-to-Peer is forgotten, now client servers are ruled by the ball-like in the same World of Tanks. This will increase reliability and greatly facilitate the collection of statistics, as well as a game with friends suffering from a bad Internet connection.

First, we note-in the version we watched, there was only a multiplayer. As soon as such an opportunity was introduced, we directly asked Van Kanegem a question that interests each fan of the series more than anything else: “Will there be a single campaign in the game, and if there is, when when, when?" -" Yes, one hundred percent. But I can't call the exact date. We don't even know when we start open beta! There are still a lot of work ahead ".

[[Bullet]] Terrorists now consist not only of Arabs, but also Asians, Negroes and White. Attention to tanks: since GLA can neither make nor purchase them officially, they have to buy armored vehicles on the black market. That is why the cars are so old and shabby.

Brian enters the conversation: “The point is not that we do not want to make a single, but that we do not want to make a bad single. Who needs a boring campaign collected in a terrible hurry? To begin with, it is worth establishing the process of creating cards, honing the modes, optimizing the network code, configure the balance of the parties, and only then take up the plot mode ". Leading designer SAM BES supports a colleague: “For many years I have been working on Command & Conquer. We used to do everything at the same time – modernized the engine, painted cards, invented the modes, wrote the script. And this greatly affected the quality of the game. We still got quite good campaigns, but for this we had to go to all sorts of tricks, change certain moments for the sake of interesting gameplay situations. Now we want to make a holistic game. It doesn't matter if you choose a single or multiplayer, the mechanic will remain identical. Look at the engineer in C & C 3: Kane’s Wrath. In the story campaign, it moves at a different speed and can withstand more blows. Then this was the only solution, but now everything is different ".

Boom Shakalaka Boom

In the version showed to us there were only two modes – battles and Horde (an analogue of the same mode from GEARS of WAR 3 : Together with your partner, you must fight off the waves of the enemy army). They promise to prepare a few more (cooperative missions, capture of control points, etc.), and then new modes will systematically come up with the players themselves.

To command such a huge army and not go crazy, you will have to unite units into detachments and learn hot keys. Otherwise, you can forget about online victories.

By the way, we were a little mistaken when we tried to guess the parties in the game. The Asian-Pacific Alliance and the European Union (European Union), respectively, and only terrorists (Global Linearization Alliance), were replaced. While worrying is not worth it – by and large, nothing has changed, the game just became a little more political correct. We wrote "so far" because the developers promise to add new sides.

Literally from the very first seconds you feel at home: Harvester slowly collects resources, the oil tower shakes black gold, the air patrols helicopters, and in the meantime, soldiers train in the huts. Branded humor also has not gone anywhere. If the newly made builder is immediately sent to business, he will cry: “They will not even sleep first!»And if, playing for terrorists, to build a factory for the production of nuclear weapons, you can hear with a characteristic accent:“ U-oo, this is dangerous!"

GLA Global Liberation Army

Having forced ourselves to break away from the contemplation of local beauties, we decide to experience the ancient tactics: we collect a dozen tanks, a couple of fighters, several infantry detachments and send them to the opponent’s base, anticipating a grandiose representation. The next second from our powerful army was not left.

When John said that both beginners and experienced players will enjoy the new Command & Conquer, it was difficult not to be wary. This usually means total simplification of everything and all. But not in this case. Artificial intelligence in the game is really impressive: even at the mild level of the complexity of the enemy, it is very difficult to restrain, and it seems that it is impossible to win at all on average. AI competently uses the special capabilities of units, aggressively seizes resources, constantly patrols the border territory and, in general, clearly prepares the player for future battles with ruthless Korean schoolchildren. The only thing is that in our presence the computer has never used the General Specials, but this bug has probably been corrected.

[[Bullet]] is hard to imagine, but these unpretentious bugges are extremely effective against heavy equipment.

To win in C& C, it is not enough to rock the base, build the coolest units and wait for the enemies to die from one of them. It is strictly necessary to use the strengths of the selected fraction. Say, GLA does not have powerful aviation, but there is a suicide bomber that can smash any construction in two accounts (if it is able to get to it), and snipers. In addition, only among terrorists, a resource collector can build buildings – and vice versa. Asians, like grains from Starcraft , take in number, but at the same time they have powerful super -unit. Even a couple is enough to change the alignment of forces in the match. The European Union is a complete antipode APA – they have dangerous tanks and helicopters, but rather weak infantry. EU needs time to pump the base, and this must be taken into account.

Officers, officers

It is time to talk about generals. For those who did not play addon Zero Hour , We explain: the general is, by and large, your set of super receives. Depending on the specialization and rank of the commander, various tricks will be available to him-intelligence fighters, mining mines or toxic waste, carpet bombardment, anti-radar, lasers and so on. Thus, trying different commanders, you can come up with victorious tactics for any opponent. Only pleasure is notive.

Total money can be spent in three areas. Gameplay: those very generals. Busts: accelerated pumping, collecting resources and all in this spirit – the usual exchange of money. Customization: avatars, the color of units, the appearance of commanders, etc.D. This is the only category in which objects will be sold exclusively for real money. Everything else can be bought for the in -game currency earned in matches.

When we asked Brian and Sam how they plan to monetize the singleser, they replied: “We do not know. Our goal is to make a cool game, and we have not thought about how to make money on it yet. ". And we tend to believe them. New Command & Conquer is developed by the same people who made the original Generals, Kane’s Wrath and Red Alert 3, and leads them with an experienced game designer. Victory Games directly cooperate with the fan community, are in no hurry to the next deadline and, judging by what we saw, do everything right. As for the campaign … Van Kanegem promised that she would be. And if he promised, it means he will do.

Zoom in, please

How the Command & Conquer

Usually we do not focus on technical details, but, firstly, we have the first RTS made on the engine Battlefield 3. Secondly, the game looks amazing. Thirdly, EA let us into sacred places-the art department and the recording studio. So we could not help but tell you about the intricacies of developing the new Command & Conquer.

La Animation

“Please, when you play, twist the wheel more likely, consider the details. We tried. It’s even a shame that you will have to play with RTS highs, but the fun is first of all … ”-this was how the conversation with the journalists Sam Bes, the main game designer of the project. Believe me, you don't have to force yourself. The first time you see how buildings are being built here, the mouth will be opened involuntarily. Our favorite is an air base. A low fence is being built around the construction, workers scurry back and forth, pin something, twist, saw off. There is a cloud of dust. Loaders carry bags with concrete, the asphalt podge rolled out the runway, the tower crane lifts something to the roof. Do not have time to wipe your eyes delighted, the beautiful airfield appears in front of them. But you know what is the most impressive? Animation of the construction of the air base, like any other building in the game, is unique for each side.

Umberto, the leading animator of the new C & C, tells not without pride about his work: “We spent a lot of time in attempts to convincingly convey the style of all factions. Devil in detail ". Europeans have everything according to the highest standards: helmets, drawings and expensive construction equipment; Gla do everything carelessly, amateur; The Chinese work faster and more diligent than others.

“The old engine did not allow you to fix more than one animation for your unit – it either moved, or shot, or received damage. And now, thanks to FrostBite 2, we can create entire chains of events, ”with these words Umberto opens the editor and shows the model of the GLA heavy truck with a machine gun in the back. First, he turns on the animation of the shot: the soldier begins to fir, his face illuminates the flashes from the shots, the car shakes, except that the sleeves do not fly away. Then the animation of movement turns on: the engine roars under the hood, the wheels are spinning, but the soldier continues to shoot as if nothing had happened. Finally, the animation of the defeat is triggered: the car demolitions to the side, bends to the ground, but neither movement nor shooting stops. It looks great.

La Musique

Victory Games decided to record the sounds of shots for the game on their own. They started to go to the forest, climbed deeper into the thicket and had fun with the weapon. In words – there is a last rest, but in reality it is a long and not to say that a light process. It is necessary to record dozens of fire options – into the air, into the hard surface, into the ground, near, from a large distance … There are a lot of subtleties. Then the developers went to Warner Brothers, where some types of weapons were written. This time the sounds of explosions decided to take Electronic Arts from the rich collection – over the years of its existence, the company blew up a bunch of everything (only for business, of course).

The sound engineer complained that due to the features of the location of the camera in RTS it is quite difficult to create a convincing sensation of 3D space, and only a few can do it. Victory Games, according to him, is among these few. We officially confirm.

La Physique

Destructivity is another advantage of Frostbite 2, which is designed to bring to Command & Conquer new sensations and slightly deepen the strategic element. Sam: “In this game you cannot fully say that you know this or that card. Every time at least something, but it will be different ". Somewhere you can make a new path to the enemy’s base, razing a couple of objects, somewhere-to block his passage to his base. But first of all, this, of course, is visual feast. The 3D modeller of the project, Jeremy, showed us point destructiveness: “It all depends on what direction you shot in the building”. First, the developer carefully clicks on the wall, and an inspiring hole appears in it, and then Jeremy begins to frantically click with the mouse. In a matter of seconds, the building turns into a smoking colander. Well, on the little things – the fences are sags, the barrels roll, and the conquered bodies of the lumped jeeps fly apart to the sides.

One of the employees of the art department, Martin, during our visit, wrote the "Algorithm of Unexpected events". The point is that when all tanks explode the same way, it's boring. Much more fun, if sometimes “special” explosions occur – then the car will jump a few meters up, then the parts of the body will fly around. When Martin said that he loves his work, we have never doubted the sincerity of his words.

Guide and passing Blur

For the past few years, a fierce struggle for the realism of management and the damage model has been going on among car systems. Even through the arcade series Need for Speed I have been trying for a long time as he can. Who has cars for less forgiveness or more beautifully are smashed to smithereens – he won. There is a feeling that games in which there are neither one nor the other are now doomed to failure. Meanwhile, the genre has not seen the simple, but still high -quality projects … before the exit Blur.

Fresh look

Blur represents a rather rare backstage: shooting races. There is neither complex physics, nor the need for a fine control, no differentiated damage scheme. You can even successfully go through the tactics of the "drunk master": along the chipper, without reducing speed. The route, rivals, a body strength scale and a whole arsenal of techniques and weapons to reduce it – these are the main components of the game.

Everything begins as usual: mass start, everyone tries to break forward. A few seconds later, behind the rear bumper of the car, three schematical guts-tanks grow. Meanwhile, the roaring herd of steel horses approaches the first line of the so -called charges – a number of several icons are materialized in the air in front of cars. It is worth running into one of them, the prize immediately takes the extreme cell. Nothing, enough for almost everyone: charges re -appear literally a second later. Now the mechanism of road insanity has been launched, and the drivers can only choose a convenient moment to start the exchange of courtesies.

Someone got lightning: three shots of pink substance fly straight one after another. A technique requiring special accuracy.

It’s much easier to handle the rocket: a formidable type of sphere, as if coming from fantastic militants, will visit the target herself and almost certainly reaches it. The victim will make a spectacular somersault, losing the strength of the body.

Fans of contact combat will like an impulse that pushing all opponents around in different directions. Higher aerobatics-shove someone from a cliff.

Of course, traditional mines were embodied here and here. There is nothing better than leaving a couple of traps at the output of the turn. Oddly enough, you can shoot forward a mine. If he does not find right away who would explode, – will settle in the first obstacle in his path.

In the pursuit of especially frisky comrades, an electric shock will come in handy. Part of the track in front of the leader of the race will be energized. It is worth calling into one of the "hot" areas, as the car will receive a shock and noticeably lose in running qualities.

Of course, there are several "positive" charges. This is a remote control for the restoration of damage, giving temporary invulnerability the shield and acceleration. The latter will help in passing complex turns: you can stop the car for a couple of seconds and change its direction, after which it will go forward from the place.

Racing for Caesar

The choice of charges must be approached carefully – in many ways, success in the race depends on this. They disappear immediately after use, and the restriction of three cells makes you constantly think what in the order to use, what to select, what is not, and what should be reset as soon as possible for the sake of a more useful find.

The situation on the highway is constantly changing, but charges also require constant attention. Sometimes you just don’t have time to figure out the arsenal, although, it would seem, the task is not so difficult.

At the same time, you need to constantly monitor what is happening behind. It is unlikely that there is a game in which you will have to use the rear -view mirror just as often. And for that is a couple of serious reasons. Firstly, lightning and missiles can be shot in the opposite direction, which means that the pursuers hanging on the tail can always be annoyed. Secondly, the shells launched in you can be shot down on the approach by all the same zippers and missiles or neutralize with an impulse, letting go closer. Such a war on two fronts adds sharpness to the game, and races without a mirror already seem incredible.

In addition, so that no one is bored for anyone, in a career mode there is a whole system of additional goals called "Master classes". Special icons are placed directly on the highway. It is worth picking up as a small task will begin for a while: for example, they will ask you to demonstrate a controlled skid or hit the enemy with lightning in flight. All conditions will be created for this. We need certain charges? They will immediately appear in the inventory, if there is a place. You can’t do without a special section of the track? So he is! Everything is honest. The master classes are tightly attached to the place and from time to time they remain the same. About why they are needed, we will talk a little later.

Another type of assignment is “Indicative races”. Behind the cunning name hides a ride for a while through the row of the gate. But it only sounds easy: they are only four or five meters wide, and are often not arranged in the most trivial way. Enemies add headache: they really love to deliver a blow to the side at the most crucial moment.

Black list

Career is quite simple, but there are a couple of unusual features. There is borrowing at Need for Speed – Here the trace of three parts of the series is visible at once. The purpose of the game is not knocked out of tradition: a standard scenario about the rise from the bottom to the title of the best racer in the world. The routes are divided into three types: a normal competition with charges, checking out the control points for the time where on the road you can choose acceleration and increase to precious seconds – and the survival race, where you need to destroy the maximum of almost helpless flimsy machines that are slowly traveling ahead.

On the way to success will have to put several venerable competitors in place. For each cool opponent is allocated by the stage, there are only nine of them. To open access to them, you need to save the beacons. They are given for completing the competition in a prize place, for success in demonstrations and as a reward for spectator sympathies – it can be obtained by earned a certain number of points of popularity. To please the fans, you need to conduct master classes as soon as possible and act in the competition actively. Each at least a slightly distinguished action – whether it is a repair, a good skid, a well -aimed shot or a high jump – attracts the attention of the audience. If you perform such techniques one after another and combine them, a multiple of the glasses will increase. But holding it is very difficult.

With an increase in popularity, access to new cars is opened. No money, purchases and tuning – we choose what you like and go ahead. In general, cars do not differ much, within the same type – certainly. But in the late stages of the game on the topic of transport, it is already worthwhile to think.

But back to our bosses. Naturally, they just do not ride with all kinds of hooligans alone, so first, be kind to go through at least two competitions and fulfill four unique conditions. Someone will ask you to blow up twenty opponents with mines, someone will want you to throw the enemy into the water, and some people do not look in your direction until you wipe one and a half kilometers of asphalt in controlled drifts. Partly the requirements depend on the character of the boss – an aggressive man on Hammer is interested in how many cars were scattered by the player, and the popular hippie is the support of the fans. If in the end to win a fight from the boss, then in addition to the defeated car will get an improvement used by the enemy. Unfortunately, there is almost no Prok from all these modernizations – the impact on the gameplay is too few. But even more offensive for the fact that contractions with bosses differ from ordinary levels only by the number of opponents. But how could one turn around with such a concept of the game!


Graphics in Blur is quite mediocre, but this is more than compensate for the number and variety of tracks. There is no serious physics, but the behavior of the car in the air is quite predictable, and the poorly traveled turn reduces the chances of winning only slightly.

But there is one unsuccessfully implemented aspect of the game that has nothing to cover. This is an interface. Menu, graphic elements. In a word, all that you have to see outside. However, during the races of all stupid things there is also enough. Why is the car that broken from the highway is not considered broken and returns to the road with the previous strength indicator? Was it really so difficult to fasten the distance counter to the finish for an open race in the mountains? Why the usual time of the circle, separation and lag of riders in seconds are not shown? What depends on the number of rivals? What did not please the developers with a normal, tidy such speedometer with an arrow?

And all these are still flowers. The berries will go at the moment when you, for example, go to the settings menu. Gamepad control circuits – three, keyboard – two. You can't just reassign the keys. It would be logical to assume that a cursor and WASD are offered to choose from. But no! WASD really is, but the second option is the complete Beliberd, where one hand is responsible for acceleration, inhibition and half of other functions, and for everything else, including turns, the other is. Do not want to retrain?

And so here everywhere. Stupid, uncomfortable, strange. As if someone deliberately spoiled everything and confused. You can’t see the track before the final load, although one of the tips with a mockery offers to choose a car depending on the competition. The fact that the game still has difficulty levels, you will probably find out by accidentally noticing the inscription “Ctrl-difficulty” on the screen of choosing a career stage. Create new local accounts and switching between existing ones so simply cannot be – you need to go to the system under another user or replace saving in a system folder. And in general there are no single races – only a career.

But in the multiplayer mode there is the possibility of playing on a separated screen! Oh, for a long time this was not on his native PC. But to start the game, you will have to go through a whole quest. The control keys for the separated screen differ from those that are in solitary mode, but there are simply nowhere to see them. The settings menu are empty. Nevertheless, the game with friends live will give you much more positive emotions than a career. Believe me, Blur in a good company is very funny, fun and noisy.

• • •

At the moment when these lines are written, Blur has not yet reached the shelves of stores, so there are network modes behind the scenes. As soon as lovers of “living” competitions pour into the game, we will immediately start a detailed study. Most likely, the video review will be accommodated already on this disk.

Verdict: Funny simple races that require a good reaction and quick solutions. Excellent for playing in the company. The main thing is not to be afraid of the interface and not allow it to get you out.



Charges are the basis of the gaming process Blur, which distinguishes the project from everyone else. Therefore, we will begin with them. Four keys are responsible for the control of charges. One – for reset from the inventory, the second simply activates the charge (this button is not really needed at all), and two more – in a certain direction, forward or backward. If the charge has no direction, then it is activated by pressing any of these two keys.

Lightning. The only "reusable" charge. Three shots, each takes away half the strength cell. With the same success hits forward and backward. Although it has a flimsy look, you should not underestimate it. Due to the speed of shells of the enemy, it is easy to find by surprise, moreover, long distances do not actually cause much difficulties. The victims noticeably turn to the side, trying to recover. This is a great stopping effect that you can greatly undermine the plans of the enemy. For example, prevent a suitable charge. Of course, if you need to quickly inflict damage, it is better to shoot a queue. But if you need to play to the maximum, try to restrain the temptation, aim thoroughly and beat single with an interval of about one and a half seconds. Then the enemy will slow down greatly, probably into something will crash and let himself catch up with.

It’s also great to let the zipper in the drifts on the bends of medium length – you have to spoil the mood of those who are well included in them.

Rocket. Shell with a self -configuration system. Very spectacular weapon, but in fact it is not stronger than others – just a unit of damage. The goal is assigned the closest in the direction of movement of the car of the Supostat. Keep in mind that the rocket is first rebuilt into the desired row and only then at all pairs rushes to the target. The affected car soars upward three meters and turns over, continuing to move in the same direction. If in flight she does not meet any obstacles, then everything will end quite harmlessly. For this to happen as little as possible, let the missiles in front of the entrance to the turns and especially – at the entrance to the tunnels and rooms with a low ceiling. There is a chance that then the victim will have to stay a couple of extra seconds outside.

Do not flatter yourself that the rocket itself is looking for a goal: it will explode by meeting any obstacle, and you can dodge it. In addition, she is very slow. If the shell was allowed into you, then do not try to wag on straight lines – you will lose too much time and you are unlikely to achieve your. Better take the blow and go further. Although there are options and better: shoot in the sphere with lightning or another rocket, put a mine in its way.

You can shoot back. In this case, guidance is not done.

Mine. Not only looks like a rocket, but also has similar effects. It just twists cars along the vertical axis, and not horizontal. This disorients much more and sets the victim for other cars. Naturally, on narrow passages and turns, the mine is especially appropriate. Explodes without delay, so even works even against those who are already sitting on the rear bumper.

The mine can not only be left on the ground behind the car, but also launched forward at a big speed. If it does not explode right away, it will stop at the edge of the road and will wait for the guests.

A shot on a mine with a zipper or a rocket will destroy it.

Electrox. Three round traps appear in front of the leader of the race. It is worth getting into one of them, how it disappears, but the speed will drop sharply, and the case will receive damage to half a single.

The effect does not depend on the player. Run this charge if the opponents have come off too much. Of course, it works best on a narrow road and sharp turns. But do not forget that traps appear only in open areas. For a particularly vigorous effect, collect three electric shocks and release them at once.

Slow down from the shock is so strong that for the detour of an obstacle, it is worth significantly dropping the speed. By making maneuvers, you can call into a dangerous zone, but just a little bit. But you can do it easier and let someone forward-perform the functions of a sapper. The polite will be rewarded.

Pulse. It requires close contact with opponents to quickly violate it, – repels the nearest enemies several meters to the sides, slows them down and inflicts a unit of damage to everyone. The only weapon acting on a few dashings at once.

A very valuable charge for monitoring a position that allows you to feel more confident in the first place … or in the second, if you are about to start overtaking. The main thing is that the enemy does not have the same.

Impulse is also an excellent protective tool. Bursts rockets and mines a meter or two before the meeting, but guessing the right moment is not easy.

Acceleration. The name speaks for itself. It is best to use at the exit of turns and long straight. Forget about the ram – in Blur it is not justified absolutely.

And if you use the charge of acceleration back, then acceleration turns … acceleration turns … into elegant pneumotics and! This very strange thing at first glance the giddle will help great short turns. Start twisting the steering wheel without slowing down, go straight, turn on the charge and twist the car in the right direction. To navigate, look at the map. Just do not overdo it, otherwise quickly fly into the fence.

Remkomplekt. Restores four strength cells. The strongest cars consist of seven “cubes”, so one “wrench” is enough to restore a significant supply of health to anyone. To have such a reserve will never hurt.

Shield. Five seconds will save the car from any misfortunes. Open the shell before the deadline can only the discharge of the electric shock.

Game modes

As part of your career, you will meet competitions of three types. On each of them you can get an additional award by a couple of ways. Firstly, you need to perform a demonstrative arrival. Look for a yellow icon with an arrow – it denotes the beginning of the route for passage. If the first time it will not work through the whole gate – it's okay, you will still have a chance on subsequent circles. First, try to break away from opponents and study all the tricky turns. The time for the task is usually given full, so you can slow down without hesitation and smoothly pass the turns.

The second award is a prize of spectator sympathy. To get it, it is enough to hold together with the bulk of the racers and participate in the main brawls, stealing from all guns. If the points of sympathy are still not enough, lean on the master classes indicated by orange icons with men. They are best done as early as possible, until the race participants stretched out by several hundred meters.

All competitions are held on ring tracks, with one exception. The descent from Mount Harun is the only unmarked track in the game. Let's see what we have to participate in.

  • Race. Racing with discharges. The main and perhaps the most exciting type of competition.
  • Zapornie in posts. You need to drive through all control points as quickly as possible. The return counting is launched at the start, but with each overcoming post the time increases. A couple of seconds add special prizes scattered along the highway. Acceleration is available from charges.
  • Survival race. But this is something unusual. And not at all what you thought. The player’s task is to collect lightning and engage in car genocide, regardless of the shape of the body and the color of the coating, stuffing extra time. Four types of cars are represented. You need to spend from one to three shots on each. Exploding, they use the charge against the player. Although blue cars with an impulse on board, on the contrary, play our hands. For convenience, all the details are included in the table.

Table 1
Survival race
Color strength charge time
Green 1 Lightning +3
Yellow 2 mines +6
Red 3 missiles +10
Blue 1 pulse +3

  • Duel. Formally, this is the fourth type of competition, but there is no fundamental difference with ordinary races. One or two enemy, a new car and modernization at stake. That's all the differences.


Within each stage of the career, four tests need to be performed to get to the duel with the boss. They work on the same principle as the usual achievements in Blur or any other game. Following the successes from memory and waiting for capricious pop -up tips is not very convenient, so it is better to keep tasks in front of you on paper. At the same time, I will give explanations where they are required.

Note: progress in testing is preserved right there, you do not need to complete the competition.


  • Perform at least 80 successful attacks using charges.
  • Conquer more than 7000 fans.
  • I> Complete 4 competitions on various cars.
  • Take part in 5 competitions.

Urban fuckers

  • Reflect with a shield of at least 3 charges.
  • Detlate off 3 electromagnetic traps. It is required to drive as close as possible to the field of operation of the electric shock .
  • Collect at least 40 bonus bonas.
  • In the 5th competition, take each post on the highway with a 14-second margin.

Favorite the public

  • Spend at least 5 master classes.
  • Complete at least 2 indicative races.
  • Get a prize of spectator sympathies at least 4 times.
  • Win the 5th competition by completing at least 1 fan-combination x5. Fan-combination displays heart on the right side of the screen. Just spend a few attacks in a row, and the factor will rise to the desired value.

Cruel game

  • Place 1 car into the water using a pulse. There is a very convenient place in the port of Los Angeles, at the end of the highway.
  • Break to smitter 100 cars.
  • Strive with a pulse of 5 cars.
  • Get at least 6 beacons in the course of 6 competitions.

Heavy fire

  • Say 5 car rockets released in the opposite direction.
  • At the same time, hit with an impulse several cars at least 5 times.
  • Aim with an electric shock 10 cars.
  • Complete a demonstration arrival in the framework of the 6th competition.

King Midas

  • Perform a controlled skid 1500 meters. Calmly, it is not necessary to do it with one turn. Just use a handbrake on corners more often. Just fill the desired value, passing the rest of the tests.
  • Destroy more than 4 charges.
  • Perform 4 pure triple accelerations. Take the car quickly and go to arrival in posts in Barcelona. Having gained three charges, use them in a row on a long slide, trying to go straight and not touching anything.
  • Get at least 25 beacons.

Double blow

  • Set up mines forward and amaze 5 cars.
  • Take 5 cars by applying acceleration. Use the modification of "fan-blooding" to facilitate your task.
  • In the survival race, perform 10 bonus hits. To do this, destroy several cars in a row in a short time. It is better to blow blue in the first place – they damage everything around and can well do all the work for you.
  • Smell to smithereens 1 car and finish the first in the 6th competition.

Fight without rules

  • Protect from 3 min. Just collect mines with a shield on.
  • Release a full charge of lightning in 8 cars. All three shots should reach the goal.
  • Win any race without smashing to smithereens and without using the remote control. Will have to abandon attacks in favor of shields and accelerations.
  • Win the 6th competition for Harumi cars.

The mysterious enemy

  • Save a speed of 120 miles/h throughout the circle. Performed in the second race, in San Francisco. Take off the opponents and collect accelerations. Before the only series of turns, drop the speed to at least 140 and carefully enter it. If something goes wrong-use charges. The task simplifies that the circle is considered not from the start, but from the moment when you scored 120 miles/h.
  • Successfully release at least 15 lightning in the opposite direction.
  • Minker 20 cars. That is, just blow up with mines. The direction does not matter.
  • Win all 6 competitions.